Phonemic awareness

27 Pins
Letter Monster Swatter
Cute! A letter monster swatter that helps kids learn the alphabet. {Mrs. Riccas Kindergarten}
Word Family & Anchor Chart Fun
I would add to the saying "when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking and USUALLY says its name." this will give the students the decoding strategy that if the vowel name doesn't work try the short vowel sound... one or the other should handle most words. Also I would put these up on the blackboard while using them but not on the wall.
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Phonics Chant to practice and review different phonics combinations ai, ay, ee, ea, ou, oo, ow, and more. Free!
CAT ON THE MAT - Fantastic Phonics learn to read program -
Phonics video
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One dang adorable way to practice clapping out syllables. And, by the time you're done, you've created a snack. What could be more perfect?!?
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I use the letter combination chart in my classroom. It's a great resource for students to use while they are writing.
The Cole Train
Change to add example of each - Letter Combinations. You can have a picture next to each of the sentences and students can connect the word to the picture and also they can understand the letter combination.
The Rain Came Down {Wash and Learn}
Thanks for pinning Brandi! I am doing an ice cream theme for my reading groups/Daily 5 next year and I think this will be a great addition! Word family ice cream cones - make learning to read fun with this hands on activity!