Murphy beds

9 Pins
Murphy Beds Came First, Then Wall Beds and Now Flying Beds
Murphy bed with folding work table for rooms that double as office and guest bedroom.
How To Make a Low Cost Murphy Bed - Makercise
Makercise Murphy Bed Take a look at the YouTube video documenting the process. I built this hanging murphy bed with a dry erase board on the back for about $85. It took me a Sunday afternoon and several evenings during the week. I have used this four times since I built it a month ago.+ Read More
DiY how to make a fold-up bed. The site includes downloadable instructions.
Murphy Bunks!
Murphy Bunks! I think these would be cool when we convert the Bike trailer to a bike trailer/camper! lol
Murphy (fold up) Bunk beds--> Will be great whenever we get a bigger house and can have a "kids" guest room!