For the man

292 Pins
Open when you need ***
Blurred the letter for privacy/personal reasons! Gift along with letter: printable coupons I found on Google
Open when you miss home
Blurred the letter for privacy/personal reasons! Gift along with letter: little airplane keychain, florida magnet
Un regalo muy especial cuando tu amor vive lejos❤️
Open when you are feeling lucky
Blurred the letter for privacy/personal reasons! Gift along with letter: lottery tickets
Open when you are feeling angry
Gift along with letter: pokemon cards, salt packets, printable coupons I found on Google
Open when you want to Netflix and chill
Blurred the letter for privacy/personal reasons! Gift along with letter: popcorn, popcorn holder, printable coupons I found on Google
Open when you need a smile
Gift along with letter: homemade keychains I made with shrinky dink paper (key rings and charms from michaels)
Open when you need a laugh
Gift along with letter: laffy taffy
Open when we got into a fight and it’s my fault
Blurred the letter for privacy/personal reasons! Gift along with letter: airhead (sorry I’m such an airhead), printable coupons I found from Google
Open when you can’t sleep
Gift along with letter: melatonin gummies, star shaped confetti
Open when you want to hear a poem
Open when you have had a great day
Open when you need my support