Therapy & Treatment

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Pet for anxious child
We have just bought our first home and can finally now get a pet. It won’t be for a couple of months .. but I’m curious - what’s been the best pet in your family?! We are looking at cavoodle or something similar.. Wanting it to be a companion buddy for our very anxious 13 year girl. Possibly even a cat? Join the converstation.... #kindship #disabilities #autism #anxiouschild #therapydog
Self-care when you have a child with a disability.
We know its important and have heard the sayings 'you can't pour from an empty cup' time and time again. But reality is, it can be quite difficult to look after yourself when you have a child with a delay or disability. Join the converstation on Kindship to hear our communities tips and advice for self-care strategies. "I saw this picture of me from our getaway on the weekend and I thought 💭 ‘when was the last time I laughed like this with my whole face?!"
The power of art for theraputic benefits
So many benefits of engaging in art. I was known as the craft lady in my early child teaching days, but it gave me so much joy watching a child work on a skill in a creative way, in a way that isn’t causing them stress or frustration. #kindship #arttherapy #blog
Sensory diet activities to implement into your child's day.
A sensory diet is a carefully planned program or schedule that provides your child with tools and activities at different intervals throughout the day to support regulation. Children with sensory processing issues or autism need assistance to help maintain their sensory systems, they rely on activities and sensory strategies to assist in keeping them regulated and in control. Read more on the blog. #kindship #autism #blog #sensorydiet
Visuals to support children with autism
Most children with autism are visual learners. The key challenges of autism are communication, social interactions and behaviour, visual aids can help in all three of these areas. Head to the blog to read 7 ways in which visuals can support children with autism... #kindship #autism #visuals #autismvisuals
7 ways that visuals can be used to support children with autism - Kindship
Most children with autism are visual learners. The key challenges of autism are communication, social interactions and behaviour, visual aids can help in all three of these areas. Head to the blog to find out 7 ways in which visuals can be helped with autism....