Merigal Dingoes

An Anthology of Dingo Stories from Merigal Dingo Sanctuary
33 Pins
Berenice explains ‘play fighting’ between litter sisters. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
Amber and Gunda. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
In the Poo by Graham Anderson. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
Introducing Paterson. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
Snowdrift and Sunny. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
The Dingo and the Log. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
A Little Picture Story by Berenice Walters. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
In the Footsteps of Berenice. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
Sheila – Berenice’s Constant Companion. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
Hostie: A Dingo’s Career in Public Relations. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
Owned by Dingoes by Christine (Johnson) Anderson. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
Dingoes Win Best in Show at Sydney Royal. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
The Taming of the Shrew. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King
To Julie With Love by Berenice Walters. Featured from the book Merigal Dingoes by Pamela King