Meaningful quotes

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This is so great. Especially with all the "philosophers" on Pinterest and Facebook that are constantly trying to define life and happiness. It's really not "Like a box of chocolates." C.S. Lewis
SpruecheWelt / Es ist irgendwie seltsam, wie beschissen leer ein Leben sein kann
Es ist irgendwie seltsam, wie beschissen leer ein Leben sein kann
This is a surprisingly good quote from the Addam's Family - Funny
This is a surprisingly good quote from the Addam's Family
Sometimes people with depression can be clingy. And usually it's because you make them feel after feeling numb for a long time.
Sometimes people with depression can be clingy. And usually it's because you make them feel after feeling numb for a long time.
I usually say I don't know because I am usually scared to voice my opinion
The Chicest Chicks
then, she began to breathe, and live, and every moment took her to a place where goodbyes were hard to come by. She was in love, but not in love with someone or something, she was in love with her life. And for the first time, in a long time, everything was inspiring. R. M. Drake
The life I was meant to live...
I Never have to's always in the same place thinking of the same person...
This quote has to be the truth about me. Because I always go out of my way and then always end up getting hurt.
An ideal website to go to for goal setting and having others help you to work on your project. I think you might like this..Oh and it's FREE