Geek Randomness

For all the geeky brilliance out there.
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New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
This is one of my favorite moments from that gag reel.
Why I Still Watch SUPERNATURAL | Nerdist
Eleven years is a long time to stick with anything. A lot can happen in 11 years. Cars quit running. Breakups happen. People come in and out of our lives. I've had few constants in the last decade, and family and Supernatural are among them. Fitting, since no matter what else Supernatural is and no matter where it goes, it is a series about family. The Winchester brothers have been there for me through a long list of changes; they've been as reliable as Baby. Over 11 seasons, the show has st...
This is why I love Castle so much
I saw this castle episode and died laughing. I replayed it because I loved it so much. If you ever watch his series castle, he actually gets a few good jabs in about firefly and what's even cooler, some of the firefly cast make guest appearances. "That Joss Whedon show."
Awesome Art We've Found Around The Net: The Avengers Special
Awesome Art We've Found Around The Net: The Avengers Special - Movie News |
Awesome Art We've Found Around The Net: The Avengers Special
Awesome Art We've Found Around The Net: The Avengers Special - Movie News |