Chinese food

56 Pins
a woman is holding up some food in front of her and the caption says scallion pancake
a white plate topped with meat covered in sauce and garnished with cilantro
蓮藕炆腩肉 Braised Pork Belly with Lotus Root **字幕 CC Eng. Sub**
蓮藕炆腩肉 Braised Pork Belly with Lotus Root **字幕 CC Eng. Sub** - YouTube
【麻煩哥】😋肉餅 蒸水蛋 Steamed Egg with Pork Patty | (中文字幕/Eng Sub.) 營養豐富 家庭必備菜式 / 蒸水蛋落凍水定暖水?  勁滑水蛋 蛋同水比例要幾多?😋 - YouTube Chinese Food, Egg
【麻煩哥】😋肉餅 蒸水蛋 Steamed Egg with Pork Patty | (中文字幕/Eng Sub.) 營養豐富 家庭必備菜式 / 蒸水蛋落凍水定暖水? 勁滑水蛋 蛋同水比例要幾多?😋
【麻煩哥】😋肉餅 蒸水蛋 Steamed Egg with Pork Patty | (中文字幕/Eng Sub.) 營養豐富 家庭必備菜式 / 蒸水蛋落凍水定暖水? 勁滑水蛋 蛋同水比例要幾多?😋 - YouTube
a white plate topped with meat and veggies on top of a wooden table
Sour Plum Chicken Recipe | 酸梅鸡简单又是开胃菜 | Ayam Bersalut Sos Plum #kimcookingdiary #简单食谱
Sour Plum Chicken Recipe | 酸梅鸡简单又是开胃菜 | Ayam Bersalut Sos Plum #kimcookingdiary #简单食谱 - YouTube
a plate that has some food on it
七十歲的老阿姨,分享雞蛋豆腐好吃的家常做法,醬香濃郁,真解饞【阿光廚房】#雞蛋豆腐 #雞蛋 #豆腐
七十歲的老阿姨,分享雞蛋豆腐好吃的家常做法,醬香濃郁,真解饞【阿光廚房】#雞蛋豆腐 #雞蛋 #豆腐 - YouTube
two chopsticks sticking out of a bowl of food with yellow rice in it
简单易做的鸡蛋豆腐,让你的家人吃得更健康! #鸡蛋肉沫豆腐 #家常菜做法 #一起學做菜 #家常菜 #烹飪 #美食 #料理 #美食教程
简单易做的鸡蛋豆腐,让你的家人吃得更健康! #鸡蛋肉沫豆腐 #家常菜做法 #一起學做菜 #家常菜 #烹飪 #美食 #料理 #美食教程 - YouTube
someone is pouring orange juice into cubed food in a pan on the stove top
今天給大家分享雞蛋豆腐最好吃的做法,不蒸不煮,出鍋鮮嫩入味,好吃下飯簡單易學!#like #家常菜 #cooking #美食 #美食教程 #delicious #烹飪 #美味
今天給大家分享雞蛋豆腐最好吃的做法,不蒸不煮,出鍋鮮嫩入味,好吃下飯簡單易學!#like #家常菜 #cooking #美食 #美食教程 #delicious #烹飪 #美味 - YouTube
a bowl filled with meat and vegetables on top of a wooden table next to a spoon
媽媽家常滷肉 這樣煮~滷肉更入味 豆干超好吃
媽媽家常滷肉 這樣煮~滷肉更入味 豆干超好吃 - YouTube
a white plate topped with fried food on top of a wooden table next to lettuce
做红烧肉时,不要直接下锅焯水,大厨教我一招,肥而不腻软烂入味 - YouTube
some food is in a metal bowl with chopsticks sticking out of the top
五花肉最好吃的新吃法,不炒不炸不紅燒,出鍋入口即化,不油膩。 【一畫美食】#五花肉 #五花肉食譜 #porkbelly
五花肉最好吃的新吃法,不炒不炸不紅燒,出鍋入口即化,不油膩。 【一畫美食】#五花肉 #五花肉食譜 #porkbelly - YouTube
超級簡單鹹豬肉!醃製簡單,年菜必備!吃過就念念不忘! - YouTube Pork Belly, Asparagus, Chinese Bbq Pork, Salt Pork, Bbq Pork
超級簡單鹹豬肉!醃製簡單,年菜必備!吃過就念念不忘! - YouTube
someone is holding chopsticks over some food in a white bowl on a table
After watching this video you will want to buy all the pork ribs from the store! Tastiest pork ribs
After watching this video you will want to buy all the pork ribs from the store! Tastiest pork ribs - YouTube
someone is cutting cabbage on a wooden table
天冷燉上一鍋「砂鍋白菜豆腐」,簡單好吃又健康、做法靠譜接地氣 #家常菜 #烹飪 #美食 #冬 #豆腐 #白菜 #cooking #delicious #health #tofu #cabbage
天冷燉上一鍋「砂鍋白菜豆腐」,簡單好吃又健康、做法靠譜接地氣 #家常菜 #烹飪 #美食 #冬 #豆腐 #白菜 #cooking #delicious #health #tofu #cabbage - YouTube
a white plate filled with food on top of a wooden table next to chopsticks
金針雲耳蒸滑雞 Steamed Chicken With Dried Lily Bud And Cloud Ear Fungus #傳統手工粵菜**字幕 CC Eng. Sub**
金針雲耳蒸滑雞 Steamed Chicken With Dried Lily Bud And Cloud Ear Fungus #傳統手工粵菜**字幕 CC Eng. Sub** - YouTube
a bowl full of food sitting on top of a table
★ 金針雲耳蒸雞 一 簡單做法 ★ | Steam Chicken with Black Fungus Easy Recipe
★ 金針雲耳蒸雞 一 簡單做法 ★ | Steam Chicken with Black Fungus Easy Recipe - YouTube