
11 Pins
Relationships - Marriage - Parenting 101 - Household Rules for All Who Enter, esp any little ones that come to visit my home
Moonfelt Malas
Just slow down. Slow down your speech. Slow down your breathing. Slow down your walking. Slow down your eating. And let this slower, steadier pace perfume your mind. Just slow down. ~ Doko . . . . . #slowdown #doko #dokoquotes #quoteoftheday #qotd #inspirationalquotes #blackandwhitequotes #meditation #meditationquotes #mindfulness #mindfulnessquotes #mantra #dailymantra #dailymindfulness #dailymeditation #focus #trainyourmind #beherenow #presentmoment #fb #buddhist #buddhistquotes #higherself
Indeed. Hold this close and repeat daily. Tough isn't anger, resentment, manipulation, ultimatums, martyrdom. Tough is choosing to not feel those things, even if it means choosing to change where you are so you can leave those negative reactions behind.
Coming Soon
You can totally do this. - daily mantra - It's National Stress Awareness Day. What is Your Mantra For Dealing With Stress? Answer here: http://www.levo.com/posts/what-is-your-mantra-for-dealing-with-stress
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Breathe encouragement and solitude into your children; they are our future.