
Australian Architect "Bridges" the Gap between Innovation and Architecture – Bridge House
Australian Architect "Bridges" the Gap between Innovation and Architecture – Bridge House | Modern House Designs Max Pritchard
Search results for: 'architecture/topics/growing-structure-kagome-sandpit-in-vienna-021002.html'
Kagome Sandpit, MQ Wiedeń , PPAG architects i Stefanie Meyer & Simon Oberhammer
Billboard Trailers Turned into Tiny Parasite Apartments - WebUrbanist
Reclaimed Billboard Houses 4 According to Philips’ biography, he is particularly interested in the margins of society, focusing on “themes such as gaps in legal, economic and social systems, the omnipresence of advertisement, unrestrained capitalism and consumerism, etc.” His previous work includes a parasite apartment built onto the back of a conventional billboard, invisible from the street.
DENICdirect-Informationsseite - DENIC eG
shell-ter wonder if this is collapsible?
- Projects - RAXSA (rak-shah)
RAXSA, a cell phone-charging, sun-shading, light-giving collapsible structure for street vendors in rural India