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You can duplicate this with 3 Billy bookcases from Ikea.
Toys Organisation
Book and small toy storage for playroom I like the bookshelf idea but make it boyish
Levi's Room
gutter bookshelves - i like these!!! perfect for kids that choose a book by its cover!
Our Playroom Reveal – DIY Details & Storage Solutions!
I want to play here -> The Busy Budgeting Mama: Our Playroom Reveal - DIY Details & Storage Solutions!.
Create the perfect art studio for your budding artists. Via Land of Nod
A Mum 'n the Oven
For anyone who has or has had children, you know how many craft supplies either go missing or you find in random places--all in all, just not where they should be! The solution? A hanging shoe organizer does the trick!
Excellent Ikea hack.window seat for the toy room window. I was already working on the details