Beginning year ideas

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Chesterbyrd393: I will advertise your message via Twitter to my active, REAL 90,000+ followers and show proof for $5 on
In Our Classroom Sign school-ideas
Math Centers - Tales from Outside the Classroom
Math centers and printables - tons of ideas & resources on this blog.
Oscar Learn, Oscar Teach!
Autobiography Island - Shake up how you get to know your students. could be a good way to introduce a mini lesson/assesment on map skills
Back to School- 2nd & 3rd Day
Learning Style Questionnaire...great idea! It's important to get to know your students early on in the year- this will help to differentiate instruction and to find out the different learning styles of each child.
Classroom stationary! Give students a post-it to draw their portrait and then make copies. Fun first week activity.
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Use file folders to create 'Mini-Offices' which contain lots of useful facts & resources for math, writing, reading and science in one folder. Directions, pictures, downloads all at this site.
Mini Offices Fo Students in Grades K-3
Great to have at school and at home for homework time. Grab some file folders and make your students a mini office to place on their desks during independent work time. Below are some files and pictures from teachers in the US that use mini offices in their rooms. They have kindly shared their resources so that you could create your own
Site Suspended - This site has stepped out for a bit
this is the most overwhelming, extremely helpful first week of school blog
Mrs. Robinson's Classroom Blog
Six Classroom Questions to start off the school year!