Midlife Inspiration & Motivation

Midlife Quotes to motivate and inspire you as we sizzle towards 60 and beyond. www.sizzlingtowardssixty.com.au
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Are you caught up in the imitation cycle or are you forging your own path? Have you reached the point where you’re confident enough to stand apart from the crowd and to own who you are flaws and all? #midlife #confidence
If at first you don't succeed | So what? Now what?
If at first you don’t succeed
Thank you notes - March 2019 | So what? Now what?
Thank you notes - March 2019 #thankyounotes #sowhatnowwhat #winter #beauty
Motivational Words and Confidence boosts for when you're over 50 - Lifestyle Fifty
Motivational Words and Confidence Boosts, Inspirational Quotes
No (ONE) Word Of The Year For Me. 6/2019.
No (ONE) Word Of The Year For Me. 6/2019.
Read This If You Need Inspiration - Unfold and Begin
We all struggle some days. Self-doubt creeps in. We wonder if we will ever be good enough. So read this if you need inspiration on UnfoldAndBegin.com via @https://www.pinterest.com/UnfoldAndBegin/
Outlining Your Non-Fiction Book - Heather Erickson Author/Writer/Speaker
I won’t bore you with the same outlining rules you learned in the 4th grade. Instead, we will look at form and function in outlining your non-fiction book.
7 Survival Tools Every Woman Over 50 Needs to Have
Baby Boomer Women | 7 Survival Tools Every Woman Over 50 Needs to Have
Why Do Professionals Need a Vision Board
Maybe you're a little curious and you question, why do professionals need a vision board? Did you know that a Goal Board improves your ability to meet your goal? More on UnfoldAndBegin.com via @https://www.pinterest.com/UnfoldAndBegin/
The 3 R's to Living a Joy Filled Life - Setting My Intention
The 3 R's of Living a Joy Filled Life
Why Women in retirement feel invisible - Often I read comments from women who feel that as they age they are becoming 'invisible'. Here are 5 ways to remove the invisibility cloak