Poster & Promotion

Inspiration for P&P Design
10 Pins
Theatre Posters - Katarzyna Zapart
Theatre Posters by Katarzyna Zapart, via Behance (don't understand a thing but Cracow is totally happening!)
En este caso lo que me interesó de la disposición en el espacio y el tipo de imagen que eligió. El uso cromático es controlado y le asienta bien. Creo que es un afiche que tiene fuerza.
I like that there is a lot of type displayed on this poster for the National Theatre. To remove the weight from this text has been arranged in varying styles and fonts, it gives a sense of balance. Easy to read.
Silo Theatre 2013 Season Posters - Graphis Portfolio
Silo Theatre 2013 Season Posters - Graphis
Love the use of something simple and throwaway (newspaper clippings) to create an totally original and striking piece of design
123 inspiration
Mod 8 - Soul Kitchen designed by Caroline Grohs (1 of 3) as part of the Motion Theater Ballet Series. This is a seamless integration of image and typography. The concept of the lines tying it all together is remarkable and adds another dimension. The hierarchy of text is flawless making this truly great design.