
12 Pins
what is color theory ??
Hans from "Frozen" asks his predecessors (i.e. other Disney guys) for tips on wooing the ladies. Hilarity ensues :P And, I'm definitely looking at Prince Phillip (from "Sleeping Beauty") and thinking, "You...just HAD to say that. Great." - Art by graphitedoll.tumblr.com
10 Unsettling Truths "The Lion King" Glossed Over
10 Unsettling Truths "The Lion King" Glossed Over - BuzzFeed Mobile// you will seriously never look at Lion King the same again
7 Disney Scenes That Totally Should Have Happened
7 Disney Scenes That Totally Should Have Happened
gavorche-san - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt
The Three Suitors
X. It’s what’s happening
Malefistitch - Twitter Avatar for Stitch Kingdom (@Nesreen Mills Kingdom)