
72 Pins
day of the dead make up
Insufficient fucks to process this transaction. Looks like I will be all out of fucks to give tomorrow too! ;D ️LO
Funny Workplace Memes & Ecards | Someecards
Everytime I come to work I immediately begin praying, 'Lord please help me not be a bitch today.'
Funny Cards about Work (19 pics)
Sad but true
Funny Confession Memes & Ecards | Someecards
"You flipped the bitch switch, so buckle up and enjoy the ride asshole."
I really don't have a problem with her, as long as she doesn't talk to me, look at me, or is anywhere near me...and I don't see or hear her name.
bahahahahaha. I think most of us girls know one person that fits this description.
I know a few people who can relate to this one! LOL You know who you are!!!!
If you support slackers and goof-offs, don't be surprised when your actual WORKERS quit!
If you support slackers and goof-offs, don't be surprised when your actual WORKERS quit!