improvised patchwork

54 Pins
MY recycled circles | MY recycled circles | I teach a workshop called "recycled circles' and this is my work. Both in paper and cloth
Sherri Lynn Wood | Improv Quilting & Quilt Classes
Sherri Lynn Wood ~ modern quilts, craft therapy, art and social practice
Workshops — Sherri Lynn Wood
Modern improv quilt making is an intuitive process that moves beyond design and wonky blocks. Learn improv curve patchwork techniques and more.
A Little Off Kilter Quilt (Moda Bake Shop)
A Little Off Kilter Quilt | Moda Bake Shop | Bloglovin’
Tutorial: Cutting and Sewing Free Hand Curves
Making Waves - Tutorial: Cutting and Sewing Free Hand Curves
Timehop: Spring Rainbows Quilt (Moda Bake Shop)
Timehop: Spring Rainbows Quilt
The quilt addicted cat is not available.... but you could create such personal quilt design in a workshop at MISA Wisconsin with Ursula Kern