Climate Change Art

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DJs Band Together To Fight President Trump's Anti-Climate Agenda [Details]
Prominent DJs resolve to fight Trump’s anti-climate agenda
How one artist put climate activism on paper
How one artist put climate activism on paper | At her studio in New York City, Schragis creates intricate mind-maps, drawn diagrams that connect words and images with a dizzying array of lines. For Occupy, she drew a complex flowchart that mapped out the connections between the many issues that became part of the movement. [CoExist]
Phase Change, 2016
Winner of the Art & Interaction category at SXSWeco's Place By Design competition, 2016 Phase Change creatively re-presents the effects of climate change… - imwm Resources and Information.
Climate Change. The animals (including marine animals) know it's happening but humans have their heads in the sand! More
Art & Media
“Dear Climate” is a playful yet dark invitation to meet climate change : TreeHugger
DiCaprio’s 'Before The Flood' aims to make climate a U.S. election issue
DiCaprio’s 'Before The Flood' aims to make climate a U.S. election issue
Environmental art is on the rise – with a little help from Leonardo DiCaprio
Environmental art is on the rise | Article by Anny Shaw in The Guardian. Photo: Solar Reserve (Tonopah, Nevada) 2014, by John Gerrard, who created the software to simulate and project a real-life solar power plant in Nevada. Leonardo DiCaprio bought and donated it to the Los Angels County Museum of Art.
Artist turns climate data into striking paintings
Artist turns climate data into striking paintings | Glaciers are losing mass in the North Cascades, where Pelto's father has done work for decades monitoring glacier retreat and related changes. Annual glacier mass balance data is represented in the painting.
Jens Galschiøt: Derfor spidder jeg isbjørn i Paris
Unbearable by Jens Galschioet
The splashiest exhibit at Art Basel Miami ... is about climate change
The splashiest exhibit at Art Basel Miami … is about climate change | Artist Lars Jan wants to show off human resilience (and stubbornness) by putting performers in a giant aquarium tank.
YOU'RE THE VOICE - An Anthem From Women For Climate Action & Hope | 1 Million Women
'You're the Voice': the message Australian climate change group 1 Million Women is taking to Paris