Climate Change Posters and Banners

113 Pins
Earth Tree by racuntikus on DeviantArt
Save the trees ~ Save the earth #trees #earth Shared via
Greenpeace Quit Coal campaign:
Systeemrelevante klimaatprofeet snapchattend op twietzolder.
Global Warning by rokkinvisual on DeviantArt
Every little thing of non eco-friendly behaviours in our daily life is a cruelty towards nature that will destroying our planet. It causes an extreme climate changes that will also leads to increased volume of water that could cause the sinking of the land on earth. Our cruelty against nature,will leads into a disaster in our life and all the inhabitants of the earth. So, started from now and to the future,let’s save our nature and protect our future.
Anti Bottled Water Campaign Poster by Audi Avena, via Behance | Environmental posters, Environment, Recycling
truth about water bottles poster - Google Search: