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If you’ve chosen your hairdresser based on their head massages, say "I" 💆‍♀️🙋‍♀️ #MilkIt #MilkItAcademy #UX #MarketingMelbourne #userexperience #customerexperience #CX #retail #MarketingQuote
The Best Place to Hide a Dead Body
No one's gunna look there... #MilkIt #MilkItAcademy #UX #MarketingMelbourne #Facebook #MarketingQuote #GoogleSearch #customerreview #Google
For Every Action There Is a Social Media Reaction
There's no where to hide a poor customer experience 🙊 #MilkIt #MilkItAcademy #UX #MarketingMelbourne #Facebook #socialmedia #MarketingQuote #CX #customerreview #customerexperience
So You Like Smashed Avo?
Signs of a marketer who doesn't rely on data. Get out your measure tools, folks! #MilkIt #MilkItAcademy #UX #MarketingMelbourne #Facebook #socialmedia #MarketingQuote #CX #customerreview #customerexperience