BIG kids

9 Pins
Saying "Calm Down" To Your Kids Doesn't Actually Work
"Calm down" is a phrase that we all use, especially with kids when experiencing intense emotions. Here are some alternative phrases that just might yield better results, and an action plan to put them in place.
Mini Offices
stinkin colon & semi-colon... I always forget which one of you to use!!!!!!!!
Phew! It's Normal. An Age by Age Guide for What to Expect From Kids & Teens - And What They Need From Us - Hey Sigmund
An Age by Age Guide for What to Expect From Kids & Teens - And What They Need From us
YES! 25 manners for kids I know some adults who still need to learn some of these.
Want excellent tips and hints on parenting? Head to this fantastic website!
The ONE Thing That Is A MUST When Giving Kids Cell Phones
Looking for some awesome ideas on how to handle the cell phone use at your house? Need tips for setting boundaries and outlining expectations? This free printable contract will help you and your child safely navigate the way to be a responsible phone user. Cell Phone Rules For Tweens and Teens, FREE Printable Contract