Testing Teachers

10 Pins
Teaching, learning and culture at Tennant Creek
Teaching, learning and culture at Tennant Creek
How to keep new teachers in the job?
teacher training
School of hard shocks
Aspiring teachers learn the hard way at disadvantaged schools in new SBS doco
News & Events - Screenwest
Sasha Lytas, TFA Society & Environment - Testing Teachers - Photograph by David Dare Parker
Controversial teaching program examined in Testing Teachers
Testing Teachers provides an engaging look at educators striving to improve the system.
Novices in deep end
Pick of the day: Testing Teachers, 8.30pm, SBS.
Testing Teachers (2017) - The Screen Guide - Screen Australia
Testing Teachers follows six first time teachers from 'Teach for Australia', an ambitious program that places Australia's brightest minds in schools serving low socioeconomic communities, where many students are falling behind. Six teachers, three schools, one aim: To make a difference in young people's lives. When some of Australia's brightest minds enter the classroom as first time teachers, can they make a difference in schools that face the greatest challenges?.
Testing Teachers SBS Documentary Series
Testing Teachers provides a snapshot of a national problem that needs national attention. Find out how you can get involved and help make a difference.