DIY Scrimshaw Kit

From the days of whale hunts to the American frontier, our Scrimshaw Knife Kit takes you back in time to when men scribed story telling images into whale teeth and buffalo bone. This kit includes a natural bone handle knife, step-by-step instructions, and everything else you need to learn and apply the forgotten art form. Whether you choose a classic sporting scene, phrase, or your initials, no other knife will be quite like yours.
202 Pins
Peregrinestore on Instagram: "It’s been a while since I’ve shared how to do one of these kits. They’re my absolute favorite and I love how easily they can become a family heirloom and tell a tale. I’m not that handy with art and creating (though I am getting better with all these videos!) so if I can do it, anyone can. And if you’ve had one of these sitting in your drawer - please get it out and give it a go.. I promise you won’t regret it! These are all available on our website and in store but due to the nature of the product I’m unable to link directly to it! Simply search Scrimshaw at ♥️ #shopsmall #adelaidehills #visitadelaidehills #peregrinestore #generalstore #carving #carvingkit #diy #diykit #scrimshaw"
Redd Fish Supply Co. on Instagram: "Warning! A zucchini was harmed in the making of this video. What you didn’t know about Scrimshaw is that it’s an early American art form originating from the whaling industry in the late 1700’s. During the many idle hours at sea, a whaler etched drawings of nautical themes on items that were readily available, such as sperm whale teeth and bones. The primary etching instrument was a sail needle, nail or pocket knife. After they scratched art work into the surface of the bone, they would rub lamp black or tobacco juice into the scratch to reveal the drawing. This kit includes everything you’ll need to complete your own scrimshaw. Kit Includes: • Natural Bone Handled Pocket Knife • Steel-point Scribe • Honing Stone • 1/2 Dram India Ink • Tracing Tool
P.8. Silver on Instagram: "Just tried doing scrimshaw art with the @mollyjogger knife kit curtesy of @molongstores...went rogue with my own design....pretty heckin AWESOME"
@gogasm and my first foray into scrimshaw #mollyjogger #mermaid #lockback #edc #customedc @mollyjogger #mollyjoggersscrimshawknifekit…
Mick Heaver on Instagram: “Here is my first attempt at a scrimshaw knife. If you didn’t know - Scrimshaw is a general name for the carving practised by sailors…”
@jyoung778 on Instagram: “Got a cool scrimshaw knife kit for Christmas. It's still work in progress, but this has been really fun so far #wip #knife #scrimshaw…”
8 Likes, 2 Comments - Raylee Schobel (@snowball_illustration) on Instagram: “Scrimshawed myself a knife from @mollyjogger . This art form has fascinated me for years.…”
Mollyjogger DIY Scrimshaw Kit
Trout Scrimshaw
Leslie Gair #flyfishing #ohio #mollyjogger
The scrimshaw knife kit. . Enclosed in this perfectly designed box is everything you need to create your very own piece of scrimshaw…
Tried my hand at the art of scrimshaw. I’m not a bad artist, but I’m also not that great either. I still managed to come up with a design…