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Shop Heirloom Quality Wood Signs, Personalized Artwork & Home Decor
A wonderful way of remembering a loved one! Custom signs are available in many colors and are customized with any handwriting. Bring beauty to your home with a unique custom sign!
It's summertime: DIY Ice Bucket im Tropical Style
schereleimpapier DIY & Upcycling: Do it yourself Idee Ice Bucket für Wein mit tropischen Blättern - die perfekte Deko für die nächste Gartenparty! Diese tolle Dekoration ist schnell und einfach zu basteln, die Pflanzen im Eis ergeben einen tollen Hingucker! So bleibt der Wein schön kühl und der Tisch ist floral dekoriert. | Anzeige | Weinliebe | Bree Wein | Tropical Design | Ideas | Crafting | how to make an ice bucket | Sommer DIY | summer
One Exercise To End “Lower Belly Pooch”
One Exercise to End "Lower Belly Pooch" every girl should read this!! This stretch will bring your hips back to where they should be, ease forward pressure on your lower back, and dial back the lower belly bulge. Also helps to stretch the tight hips to end lower back pain. DOING THIS!
2mins For A Fuller Ponytail -
2mins For A Fuller Ponytail I love this and use it on school days when I just want to pull my hair back. I always get compliments about how thick my hair looks. Want to know my secret? Here it is!
How to Take a Detox Bath (with Pictures) - wikiHow
How to take a Detox Bath to rid your body of toxins. Great for when you have a cold or flu. One Pinner said: I did this one night and felt amazing afterwards! So relaxed and no aches and pains.
Angelonia -It's easy to grow and flowers profusely (AND IT'S PURPLE!) great plant for our dry spells and heat. Not fussy about soil either. Butterflies love it!