Former pubs in Chichester

Now-closed public houses and their sites in and near Chichester, West Sussex, England.
55 Pins
The Star, Broyle Road, Chichester.
The Bedford Hotel (right), Southgate, Chichester.
The Foresters Arms, 47 North Street, Chichester. Closed in the 1920s.
West Street & Cross Chichester RP pc unused Norman Ref G81 • £6.50
The Royal Oak, West Street, Chichester was (I think) the building, now demolished between the antiques shop and Nan's Cafe (now part of House of Fraser). It closed in 1903, so was not a pub by the time of this photo.
The White Horse Inn, Northgate, Chichester (burned down 1930s) seen through the 1897 jubilee arch.
The Swan Hotel, East Street, Chichester. The NatWest bank now occupies the site.
The Bull Inn, Market Road, Chichester. Closed 2015.
The King's Head (now Trents), South Street, Chichester, 1968.
The Ship (far right) and the Fighting Cocks (left), Tower Street, Chichester. The Prince of Wales is in the distance on the right.
Pictures (Heritage Consortium)
The Victoria, 25 St Pancras, Chichester, c.1900.
The Market Tavern (left), Eastgate Square, Chichester, 1911.
The Running Horse (sign visible on left), 3 Eastgate Square, Chichester, 1897.