
Biomes Match Up - Children match up a Biome, Picture of the Biome and Definition of that Biome - includes answer sheet! Biomes include; - Desert - Tundra - Coniferous Forest (Taiga) - Grassland (Savannah / Prairie) - Tropical Rainforest - Deciduous Forest - Water
Fluttering Through the Grades -
This blog offers excellent ideas for bulletin boards and displays to do in the classroom as an asset for teaching about habitats and communities.
Second Grade Science
This link contains printable pictures of animals that belong in the listed habitats. This would be a great assessment tool or group activity, especially since some of the animals are unfamiliar and students would have to rely solely on physical characteristics to determine habitat.
Habitats Word Search: Rainforest Animals | Worksheet |
Worksheets: Habitats Word Search: Rainforest Animals
Biome Map Key
Do different biomes and adaptations, focus on ocean. Design animal that could live in ocean that doesnt already exist (land/ocean animal combo)
Habitats Word Search: Forest Animals | Worksheet |
Worksheets: Habitats Word Search: Forest Animals
Free Desert Animals Unit Study & Lapbook
Free Desert Animals Unit Study Lapbook from
Habitats Word Search: Grassland Animals | Worksheet |
Worksheets: Habitats Word Search: Grassland Animals
Habitats/Ecosystems - FREE presentations in PowerPoint format, interactive activities, lessons for K-12
Freebies Archives
Free Habitat Adventure Science Game – Exploring Biomes and Taxonomy - Money Saving Mom®
Learning About Landforms
Learning About Landforms: We incorporated map skills, post card writing, and creative personal narratives about our islands during our landforms unit!