C h i l d r e n s L i t u r g y

7 Pins
I'd draw out the dove in pencil then people could add the squares. It could make a good prayer activity for pentecost
Back to School Bash! - Mrs. Thompson's Treasures
Such a cool idea for a first day activity. It would also work to make fireworks instead of flowers (a bit more manly for dude teachers?).
Oriental Trading
Kids craft, this one is a cute and friendly scarecrow made from a paper bag, raffia, construction paper and a few other commonly found household items. Description from pinterest.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images
Saint Coloring Book for All Saints Day
Saint Coloring Book for All Saints Day As many classrooms are preparing to celebrate Halloween tomorrow (on a Monday?!?) many Catholic classrooms are preparing to celebrate All Saints' Day instead. Many students will dress as their favorite
Easy and Inexpensive Rosary Craft for Catholic Kids
Create this easy and inexpensive Rosary craft with Catholic kids as a way to introduce the basic parts of a Rosary.