
Astrology & Natal Chart Insights to help you clear your energy and heal yourself ✨ Intuition Enhancement & Psychic Perception | Creator of: Periods Brainwaves and Astrology (Interactive Attunement Resource - Now Available)
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an open book with the title from periods, brainwaves and astrology written on it
The 5th House | Natal Chart | Birth Chart | Outer Inner Space
These interactive notes present ideas about how to calibrate to subtle energies, flow over hustle, and spiral upwards — releasing and growing — with each moon cycle ✨🌑🌕 #healing #nature #moonflow #5thhouse #natalchart #periods #menstruation #nature #cycles #alternativehealing #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #receptive #alignment#feminine #flow #theta #beta #alpha #delta
These notes show you how you can sync up to your personal cosmic rhythm and let go of old programming in the process 🌑✨📜 #astrology #yin #receptive #venus #feminine #flow #mooncycles #periodpain #breathwork #epigenetics #menstrual #cramps #pcos #periods #menstruation #nature #cycles #divinefeminine #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #alignment #venus #venussign Period Pain, Moon Cycles, Menstrual Cramps, Natal Charts, Brain Waves, Self Healing
Ovulation | Periods, Brainwaves & Astrology | Outer Inner Space
These notes show you how you can sync up to your personal cosmic rhythm and let go of old programming in the process 🌑✨📜 #astrology #yin #receptive #venus #feminine #flow #mooncycles #periodpain #breathwork #epigenetics #menstrual #cramps #pcos #periods #menstruation #nature #cycles #divinefeminine #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #alignment #venus #venussign
Trance States + Psychic Perception | menstrual cramps - period pain | from: Periods, Brainwaves and Astrology | Tune into creative flow, Empress vibes and Divine nature ✨🌑🌕 #astrology #periodpain #breathwork #epigenetics #menstrual #cramps #pcos #periods #menstruation #nature #cycles #divinefeminine #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #alignment #outerinnerspace #yin #receptive #venus #feminine #flow #mooncycles #psychic #witch Psychic Witch, Psychic Awakening, Divine Nature
Periods, Brainwaves & Astrology | Enhance your Psychic Perceptions
Trance States + Psychic Perception | menstrual cramps - period pain | from: Periods, Brainwaves and Astrology | Tune into creative flow, Empress vibes and Divine nature ✨🌑🌕 #astrology #periodpain #breathwork #epigenetics #menstrual #cramps #pcos #periods #menstruation #nature #cycles #divinefeminine #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #alignment #outerinnerspace #yin #receptive #venus #feminine #flow #mooncycles #psychic #witch
a poster with some writing on it
Grounding | Earth Magic | Astrology Self Healing | Vibrational Healing | Energy Clearing
Your body has the incredible capacity to heal itself. Learn more about it's cosmic wonder ✨ #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #Leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology #ascendant #risingsign #venus #mars #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #pluto #uranus #birthchart #natalchart #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #receptivity
the zodiac sign virgo is depicted in this poster
Virgo Ascendent | Astrology Scrolls | Outer Inner Space | Your Natal Chart
Good for all of 2020 and beyond - Learn how the Saturn - Pluto Conjunction influences your natal chart. Based on your Ascendant Sign. Read more here: #astrologypost #astrologyart #saturn #lessons #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #Leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology #ascendant #risingsign #venus #mars #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #pluto #uranus #birthchart #natalchart #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #receptivity
a poster with the zodiac sign taurus on it's side and other astro symbols in the background
Taurus Ascendant | Astrology Scrolls | Outer Inner Space | Your Natal Chart
Based on your Ascendant Sign. Read more here: #astrologypost #astrologyart #saturn #lessons #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #Leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology #ascendant #risingsign #venus #mars #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #pluto #uranus #birthchart #natalchart #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #receptivity
the zodiac sign leo is depicted in this poster
Leo Ascendent | Astrology Scrolls | Outer Inner Space | Your Natal Chart
Leo Ascendent | Leo Rising Good for all of 2020 and beyond - Learn how the Saturn - Pluto Conjunction influences your natal chart. Based on your Ascendant Sign. Read more here: #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #Leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology #ascendant #risingsign #venus #mars #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #pluto #uranus #birthchart #natalchart #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #receptivity
a poster with the words saturn and pluto on it
Libra Ascendent | Astrology Scrolls | Outer Inner Space | Your Natal Chart
Libra Ascendent | Libra Rising Good for all of 2020 and beyond - Learn how the Saturn - Pluto Conjunction influences your natal chart. Based on your Ascendant Sign. Read more here: #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #Leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology #ascendant #risingsign #venus #mars #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #pluto #uranus #birthchart #natalchart #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #receptivity
Adjust your weekly schedule to flow with cosmic energies. Less rigid structure, more alignment. Less force, more flow. #astrology #cosmicwitch #cosmicart #spaceart #psychic #mystic #goddness #telepathy #moneymindset #moneymind #abundance #loa #alignment #selfcare #astrologyaesthetic #space #mindset #epigenetics #schedule #workflow #feminine #witch #femaleentreprenuer #girlboss #artist Cosmic Art, Work Flow, Cosmic Energy, Weekly Schedule, Money Mindset, Feminine Energy
The Cosmic Week | Work Flow | Yin | Feminine Energy | Astrology Insights | Outer Inner Space
Adjust your weekly schedule to flow with cosmic energies. Less rigid structure, more alignment. Less force, more flow. #astrology #cosmicwitch #cosmicart #spaceart #psychic #mystic #goddness #telepathy #moneymindset #moneymind #abundance #loa #alignment #selfcare #astrologyaesthetic #space #mindset #epigenetics #schedule #workflow #feminine #witch #femaleentreprenuer #girlboss #artist
Adjust your weekly schedule to flow with cosmic energies. Less rigid structure, more alignment. Less force, more flow. #astrology #cosmicwitch #cosmicart #spaceart #psychic #mystic #goddness #telepathy #moneymindset #moneymind #abundance #loa #alignment #selfcare #astrologyaesthetic #space #mindset #epigenetics #schedule #workflow #feminine #witch #femaleentreprenuer #girlboss #artist
The Cosmic Week | Work Flow | Yin | Feminine Energy | Astrology Insights | Outer Inner Space
Adjust your weekly schedule to flow with cosmic energies. Less rigid structure, more alignment. Less force, more flow. #astrology #cosmicwitch #cosmicart #spaceart #psychic #mystic #goddness #telepathy #moneymindset #moneymind #abundance #loa #alignment #selfcare #astrologyaesthetic #space #mindset #epigenetics #schedule #workflow #feminine #witch #femaleentreprenuer #girlboss #artist
the MENSTRUAL PHASE | Periods, Brainwaves & Astrology | Moon Flow Magic } Learn how to sync with your cycle + flow with divine intelligence. Start reading free! #selfhealing #energyart #cosmicart #healingvibrations #energyclearing #astrologypost #astrology #mentalhealth #outerinnerspace #astrology #subconsciousprogramming #Transmute #receive #connect #bodywisdom #intuitivehits #patreon #spaceart #energyexchange #slowwave #pcos #periodpain #selfcare #selflove Divine Intelligence, Menstrual Phase, Astrology Moon, Body Wisdom
Psychic Perception | Periods, Brainwaves & Astrology | Moon Flow Magic
the MENSTRUAL PHASE | Periods, Brainwaves & Astrology | Moon Flow Magic } Learn how to sync with your cycle + flow with divine intelligence. Start reading free! #selfhealing #energyart #cosmicart #healingvibrations #energyclearing #astrologypost #astrology #mentalhealth #outerinnerspace #astrology #subconsciousprogramming #Transmute #receive #connect #bodywisdom #intuitivehits #patreon #spaceart #energyexchange #slowwave #pcos #periodpain #selfcare #selflove
a black and white poster with an arrow pointing to another person
Space Art | Witch Art | Cosmic Notes | Astrology Scrolls 🌑✨📜
Space Art | Witch Art | Cosmic Notes | Astrology Scrolls 🌑✨📜 #astrology #yin #receptive #venus #feminine #flow #mooncycles #periodpain #breathwork #epigenetics #menstrual #moon #natalmoon #emotionalbody #menstruation #nature #cycles #divinefeminine #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #alignment #venus #venussign
From Periods, Brainwaves and Astrology } These notes show you how you can sync up to your menstrual cycle and clear your energy in the process 🌑✨📜 #astrology #yin #receptive #venus #feminine #flow #mooncycles #periodpain #breathwork #epigenetics #menstrual #cramps #pcos #periods #menstruation #nature #cycles #divinefeminine #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #alignment #venus #venussign Clear Your Energy, Theta Healing
Brainwaves | Beta Alpha Theta | Periods, Brainwaves and Astrology | Outer Inner Space
From Periods, Brainwaves and Astrology } These notes show you how you can sync up to your menstrual cycle and clear your energy in the process 🌑✨📜 #astrology #yin #receptive #venus #feminine #flow #mooncycles #periodpain #breathwork #epigenetics #menstrual #cramps #pcos #periods #menstruation #nature #cycles #divinefeminine #goddess #spirit #awaken #brainwaves #thetawaves #alignment #venus #venussign
an advertisement for outer space with the words saturn
Saturn | Saturn Return | Astrology | Capricorn Vibes
Read more about Saturn AND your Astrology at #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #Leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #astrology #ascendant #risingsign #venus #mars #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #pluto #uranus #birthchart #natalchart #horoscope #zodiac #zodiacsigns #receptivity