Learn digital scrapbooking
We chat with Melissa Shanhun from Digital Scrapbooking HQ and discuss how she started her journey with digital scrapbooking. She loves using Adobe’s Photoshop Elements and she shares some great insights into the features of the program and how it could be something you may wish to look into further to help you with editing and organising your own photos. By Chantal Imbach from Photos In Order #photomanagers #photomanagement #photosinorder
Storytelling with photos
In this episode we talk with Mara Morrison from the Filing Fairies. Mara was the first certified Photo Organiser in Australia and has years of experience working with families in this truly remarkable area of photo management. While Mara focuses on many aspects of teaching and helping families with their photos, it is her passion to delve into the power of storytelling. By Chantal Imbach from Photos In Order #photomanagers #photomanagement #photosinorder
How to create a photo slideshow or video montage
Remember the days you had to sit still for hours to watch granddad’s slideshow and listen to endless stories?! Well, slideshows are still a thing, but they have become much more interesting and fun. Today, we often talk of video montages rather than slideshows and the photos are in motion, sometimes there are animations and cool transitions as well as of course music and sounds.
Story jotting with Katie
In this episode we had the pleasure to talk with Katie Chambers, an expert in story writing. Join us to learn how you can easily jot down the stories that go with your photos and to leave a meaningful legacy.
200 Questions To Ask Your Parents Today - Best Family Questions!
Storytelling with photos
In this episode we talk with Mara Morrison from the Filing Fairies. Mara was the first certified Photo Organiser in Australia and has years of experience working with families in this truly remarkable area of photo management. While Mara focuses on many aspects of teaching and helping families with their photos, it is her passion to delve into the power of storytelling. By Chantal Imbach from Photos In Order #photomanagers #photomanagement #photosinorder
Learn digital scrapbooking
We chat with Melissa Shanhun from Digital Scrapbooking HQ and discuss how she started her journey with digital scrapbooking. She loves using Adobe’s Photoshop Elements and she shares some great insights into the features of the program and how it could be something you may wish to look into further to help you with editing and organising your own photos. By Chantal Imbach from Photos In Order #photomanagers #photomanagement #photosinorder
Photos have the power to open a door
Photos have the power to open a door. ~ Peter Walsh⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I believe photos can connect people in many different ways and this quote puts that in words beautifully. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ By Chantal Imbach from Photos In Order #photomanagers #photomanagement #photosinorder
A picture is worth a thousand words ...
... but the memories are priceless. Listen to our DIY Photo Organising podcast episode #34 with guest Mara from The Filing Fairies to find out more about storytelling with photos. Photos In Order | Professional Photo Organiser | Melbourne Australia ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #photosinorder #saveyourphotos #professionalorganiser #photoorganizer #photomanager #photomanagers #photomanagement
SnipTag: The Easiest Way to Caption Your Scanned Photos | OrganizingPhotos.net #photos #organize #ph
SnipTag: The Easiest Way to Caption Your Scanned Photos | OrganizingPhotos.net #photos #organize #photography #organizer