Springs for cuticle nippers 4" and 4.5" long. Double or Single Sold by 100 pcs of single spring or 100 pair (sets) of double springs Sold with screws $90/100 psc = $.90 each Fits 99% of the nippers For some nippers springs has to be adjusted after installation Made in Solingen, Germany. Solingen Germany, Cuticle Nipper, Springs, Germany

Single And Double Springs For Cuticle Nippers. Germany.100 Pcs

Springs for cuticle nippers 4" and 4.5" long. Double or Single Sold by 100 pcs of single spring or 100 pair (sets) of double springs Sold with screws $90/100 psc = $.90 each Fits 99% of the nippers For some nippers springs has to be adjusted after installation Made in Solingen, Germany.


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