pink and purple curly hair sitting on top of a wooden table

Locks, 6-7" Wensleydale Maroon Long Locks Spinning Needle Felting Doll Hair Animal Felting Art Batts Art Yarn 1 Ounce

Product Details
These locks are from Wensleydale sheep. The wool is luscious, shiny, strong and wavy. This one is a light maroon or deep pink, depends on your point of view. There is a tiny bit of VM, not much, as to be expected from a natural product. The last picture is art yarn (different colors) made by fluffing up the locks, spinning and plying with a sparkly thread. Easy art yarn! These are beautiful used in art batts, art yarn, knitting, crocheting, weaving, Nuno, wet and needle felting, woven as locks, and for natural looking hair on dolls and animal sculptures. Wensleydale is wonderful when felted because the locks retain some or all or their wavy state, even in flat felting. Bundle of 1 ounce. There are a lot of locks in one bundle. Locks range from 6 to 7 inches.