Roses at Potomac Floral Wholesale

Gorgeous rose, garden rose, and spray rose varieties carried by Potomac Floral Wholesale.
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15 Sections
"All 4 Love" Roses
These garden roses are a perfect, romantic mix between pink and lavender. (Code: GARDPINA4L)
"Heart of Gold" Roses
Unlike most "gold" roses, these are actually a proper 24-karat-color! (Code: ROSNOVCOHOG)
"Golden Mustard" Roses
Golden-honey roses with nude-blush outer petals. (Code: ROSNOVTGM)
"All 4 Love" Pink Garden Rose
These soft, spiraling garden roses toe the line between pink and lavender. Could work as a mauve, depending on the palette. (Code: GARDPINA4L)
"Esperance" Pink Rose
Ivory-green outer petals are lipsticked with medium-pink for an overall medium-to-light pink appearance. This rose blows open beautifully, more than compensating for its modest petal count. (Code: ROSPINESP6)
"Queenberry" Hot Pink Rose
Bright magenta roses that open into a darling, traditional rose shape. Comparable to "Pink Floyd" or "V.I.Pink." (Code: ROSPINQB)
"Queen's Crown" Garden Rose
Once open, these hot, purple-pink guard petals reveal a lavender center. GARDLAVHEIR
"Juliet" Garden Roses
The Queen of All Garden Roses, seriously. Peach "Juliet" Garden Roses are the best. GARDDPINJUL
"C'est La Vie" Roses
Bicolor creamy-pink roses with a medium-pink lipstick. ROSNOVCES5