
10 Pins
GERMANY!!!! IT WOULD BE HEAVEN FOR A DOG,,, YEA THAT'S GERMANY << I relate to this on a spiritual level
Hetalia~Would You Rather Quiz
I love France's expression the most! But Al's get away plan is the best.
The Internet's Most Asked Questions
I'd date England, hang out with Australia and get America to beat up China if he refused to do my homework.
Axis Powers Hetalia | Хеталия и страны Оси | VK
Cinnamon Rolls by Cioccolatodorima on DeviantArt
Please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks they looked like cinnamon rolls rather than sheep horns. I have to partially blame GMM for giving me this idea because one of their latest episodes ha...
bamboothicket2, posts by tag: halloween 2013 - LiveJournal
Hetalia - New Zealand and Australia : Halloween Official Art by Hima
Community wall photos
Axis Powers Hetalia | Хеталия и страны Оси | VK