Disc Golf Courses - Australia

Here you will find articles and links to all the Australian Disc Golf Courses.
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Two feet move your body
Two feet move your body. Four feet move your soul. Anonymous #rad#recreationactivitydesign #parks #discgolfisrad #quote #exercise #goodmentalhealth
A First In South Australia – The Tintinara Disc Golf Course
Disc golf is steadily becoming more and more popular, and as city organisations are placing more of an emphasis on the health and well-being of their residents, it seems that many are turning to this sport for help. In May 2016, the first disc golf course in South Australia opened at Lake Indawarra after countless hours of dedication from local players, city officials, and more.
Recreation Activity Design - Running an event is incredibly rewarding yet comes with a long to-do list that can really show the difference between a well thought out tournament and something that was thrown together at the last minute. So, how do you make sure your event stands out and is enjoyable for all? Here are some aspects to consider if you’re a first-time TD. READ MORE...https://rad-creations.com/make-your-next-event-a-success/ #disclife #community #play #discgolfcourse #localdiscgolf #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad #discgolfbrand #fundraising #raisemoney #communityevent #tournament | Facebook
Running an event is incredibly rewarding yet comes with a long to-do list that can really show the difference between a well thought out tournament and something that was thrown together at the last minute. So, how do you make sure your event stands out and is enjoyable for all? Here are some aspects to consider if you’re a first-time TD. READ MORE...https://rad-creations.com/make-your-next-event-a-success/ #disclife #community #play #discgolfcourse #localdiscgolf #recreationactivitydesign
One of the best things about disc golf is traveling to play.
One of the best things about disc golf is traveling to play. No matter if you're going to the next town, state or around the world, you're sure to meet another like-minded person in the global disc golf community who would be happy to join you for a round! .https://rad-creations.com/disc-golf-for-travel-get-out-the-door/ #disclife #discgolfcourse #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad #pdga #disclife #discgolfcourse #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad #pdga
Do you ever see your kids playing with their friends outside anymore?
Do you ever see your kids playing with their friends outside anymore? Consider the necessity of outdoor stimulus! Kicking around a plastic bag through the streets does give your kids exercise, but that’s not the best way to trigger mental advancement. There are better ways to get your kids in the sunshine than putting a projector outside and making your kids squint as Princess Peach throws grenades at Bowser. https://rad-creations.com/importance-of-outdoor-play-in-childhood/ #disclife
Disc golf course can go a long way !
Installing community facilities is a strategic requirement with most local governments. Using professional services to design and install a disc golf course can go a long way to helping ensure it is safe and meets the goals of everyone involved. Taking on a course project yourself might seem easy, but the process can be technical and time consuming. : https://rad-creations.com/how-to-ensure-the-growth-of-disc-golf/ #disclife #community #play #discgolfcourse #localdiscgolf
When was the last time you tried something new?
When was the last time you tried something new? Getting Started In Disc Golf Is Easier Than You Think! To READ MORE...https://rad-creations.com/getting-started-in-disc-golf-is-easier-than-you-think/ #disclife #community #play #discgolfcourse #localdiscgolf #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad #discgolfbrand #lovediscgolf #giveitago #newsport
Companies and personal ventures with outdoor facilities,
Companies and personal ventures with outdoor facilities, though fantastic dream-inducing endeavors, can sometimes fall a little short in the finances. So, how do you ensure that people will not only visit your location, but come back time and again? To READ MORE ...https://rad-creations.com/camp-and-recreation-disc-golf-integration/ #disclife #community #play #discgolfcourse #localdiscgolf #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad #discgolfbrand #diversify #revenue
Multi-Sport Golf has arrived!
Something very exciting in the world of disc golf is happening in Australia. For the first time ever, two sports have been married in perfect union to create a brand new way to experience a golf course. We are excited to announce that Multi-Sport Golf has arrived! Check out the article to find out more...http://ow.ly/w3vj50xuUjp #disclife #discgolfcourse #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad #pdga #growthesport #gothrow #golf #disceveryday #frisbee #discgolflove #discgolfcourse
Understanding the community.
The constant drone from your fellow administrator about the same subject—earning money and supporting the community—every day for three weeks straight seems tired. Still, you may be stuck at that meeting unsure about what to do without any new suggestions. Understanding the community but being unable to find a profitable solution can seem daunting. So, what about disc golf?.http://ow.ly/ybLw50yl9x1 #recreationactivitydesign #benefitsofacourse #discgolfisrad #bringthecommunitycloser #discgolF
Councils get praise whenever something is truly successful
Councils get praise whenever something is truly successful, even if it's driven by the local groups. In this month's edition of Benefits Of A Course, learn about how disc golf project is a great way for Councils to collaborate with local clubs and receive positive community feedback. To READ MORE https://rad-creations.com/increasing-council-praise-through-disc-golf-involvement/ #disclife #community #play #discgolfcourse #localdiscgolf #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad
incredible to have disc golfer followers and friends from around the world
You’ve no doubt heard about disc golf’s large following, and its community base is extensive, reaching across the world. And while it may seem incredible to have disc golfer followers and friends from around the world, there’s definitely something special about having a community based in your own neighborhood. To READ MORE ...https://rad-creations.com/first-comes-the-course-then-comes-the-community-groups/ #disclife #community #play #discgolfcourse #localdiscgolf #recreationactivitydesign
Disc Golf Courses - Australia
The course design mapping is tracking well, with most of the 18 holes of the 9 basket course locked in. Here's Jackson testing out the tricky 15th! . . . . #disclife #discgolfcourse #recreationactivitydesign #discgolfisrad #discgolf #rad #pdga #discgolf #growthesport #gothrow #golf #disceveryday #frisbee #discgolflove #discgolfcourse #discgolfer #discgolfnation #frisbeegolf #growthesport #discgolfshoutouts #discgolfeveryday #disclife #pdga #discgolfbaskets #golfing #disc #frisbee #golffitness
Disc Golf Courses - Australia
There are many who struggle to enjoy disc golf because of mental or physical disabilities. Sometimes it seems embarrassing to play with friends when they seem to have everything down and you’re still struggling to toss the disc effectively. If this describes you, there is no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy disc golf with anyone else. Disc golf is all-inclusive, and the unique heads in this sport create adaptations and events specifically geared toward those of us who would normally struggle with
Money that grows on trees and sprouts from the ground like daisies.
Money that grows on trees and sprouts from the ground like daisies. Wouldn’t that be an ideal way to earn some extra cash? Unfortunately, many feel as though disc golf courses and activities are out of their reach in their areas due to the lack of funds. But here at RAD Creations, we want to let you know that coming up with the money to pay for a disc golfing location or event shouldn’t be outside the realm of reason.