
22 Pins
Kinder self-portraits | Deep Space Sparkle
Kinder self-portraits...I’ve tried many different lessons to get little five and six year old kids to create a self-portrait, and this one is my favorite. Step One: I start with an oval template and instruct the children to trace onto skin tone colored construction paper. Then, we trace the neck template and glue both onto a piece of 12″ x 18″ sheet of colored paper....
Picasso Faces - Pre-K and Kindergarten
These picasso inspired portraits are so impressive. My kinders did them and everyone that saw them on the bulletin board thought the grade 6's did them. Check out her website for amaing art projects for all grades and easy to follow instructions on how to do this project.
Kindergarten Writing Activities - An Entire Year of Lessons
Kindergarten narrative writing activity broken down into simple steps. Self portraits to accompany writing.
Cute activities just in time for open house
"Name" Projects (to go with book, "A" My Name is Alice). Bind them all together into a book for the classroom library!
All About Me Printable Book
A good activity to get to know yourself and the classmates around you, a ten page booklet filled with facts about yourself. Also shows how they see themselves when they draw their face.
Dali's Moustache
I like these mosaics..I did some this year with Kindergarten with square pieces but didn't allow the kids to leave space between them...I really like these ones on black paper!