Craft For Children

283 Pins
Basteln für Weihnachten- 42 tolle Ideen mit Anleitung für DIY Geschenke und Dekoration
basteln für weihanchten weihnachtkarten basteln
How to Make a 3D Christmas Card Pop Up DIY - Red Ted Art
Easy Pop Up Christmas Card - LOVE these 3d Paper Fan Christmas Tree Cards. How cute are they? Working with concertina paper folding techniques, this is a quick and easy card to make for the holidays. Love both the traditional Christmas Tree and white Winter Tree Card versions.
The Art Classroom
Easy 1 hour class project- * - Sheets of black 8 1/2 x 11 construction paper * - Assortment of tempera paints * - Dixie cups (about 6-8 per group) * - Q-Tips (about 6-8 per group)