Tip Of The Day

50 Pins
The 6 biggest typography mistakes | Rimidesigns
Type might look simple, but it’s still possible to get it very wrong. Here are 6 common pitfalls to avoid. #typographytips
Choosing the perfect domain name | Rimidesigns
Choosing the right domain name for your website is crucial for your success. If you choose the wrong domain name, then it can be a hassle to switch later on without hurting your brand and search rankings. #domainname
Affordable premade logos for new small businesses and startups. https://www.rimidesigns.com.au/egallery/product-category/logo-shop/
Client Onboarding Checklist | Rimidesigns
Set the stage for a successful working relationship between you and your clients. A well-executed onboarding process ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of the project scope, expectations and communication channels from the outset. #clientonboard #checklist
Typography Cheat Sheet | Rimidesigns
This typography cheat sheet provides a quick reference for typography terminology, font pairings, and best practices to assist graphic designers in choosing and using fonts effectively in their design projects. #typography #cheatsheet
Support local businessess | Rimidesigns
If each of us spent $100 a year more on local businesses instead of chain stores, it would put an extra $3 million a year into our economy. It would also create thousands more jobs every year. #supportlocalbusinesses
This may contain: a man riding a bike with the words, then you've come to the right place
Logo Shop | Rimidesigns
Affordable premade logos for new small businesses and startups. https://www.rimidesigns.com.au/egallery/product-category/logo-shop/ #affordablelogos
Cheap Logos | Rimidesigns
Do you need a logo for your new small business or startup? Are you on a shoestring budget and tight on time? My “Logo Shop” offers simple and elegant logos for a wide range of professions for ONLY $120.
The colour yellow | Rimidesigns
Playing Tetris | Rimidesigns
Computer problem | Rimidesigns
Quick way to delete misspelt words | Rimidesigns