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30 Pins
our first picknic to the woods, i was wearing my wedding dress, it was simple, long sleves and plain fabric from the waist f=dwon, but the top was lacey and layered, he stood behind me in his lo cut, dirt white c=bloiase. i couldnt have imagned a better eddding
'Still waiting' by tammyswarek
Still waiting by tammyswarek #viewbug #editorial #photography #fashion #portrait #vintage #dress #emotion
How to Meditate Properly • Mind Globe
Meditate with a goal in mind is itself incorrect. If we extend our mind in the near future, filling it with a lot of expectations, we’re not meditating. Meditation should, in fact, help us bring our minds and our attention at the present time and in the current place, that should help us achieve what I have called the “Here and Now”. It is undeniable that meditation has many benefits in the short, medium and long-term, proven by numerous scientific studies.
Fascinante aproximación de Pi mediante operaciones con inversos de elementos del Triángulo de Pascal
New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Top 10 Magnesium Rich Foods: Most of the things I crave on a daily basis
Just For Giggles: Why Was The Mathematician Late For Work?
Why was the mathematician late for work? Hahaha!