
26 Pins
Cock-a-doodle-doo...exactly what's that suppose to mean,I don't doodle in my doo !
It's been a long day. I think we all could use this.
It's been a long day. I think we all could use this. I've never thought of chickens as being squee, but this melted my heart.
If I ever have chickens I would name them all English/Welsh (UK) names...Winifred would be one. I adore that name.
Cuddling Miss Chicken and helping mama with the chores.
The Backyard Chicken Coop 5 Mistakes That Will Cost You
The Backyard Chicken Coop 5 Mistakes That Will Cost You
How To Hatch Chicks In An Incubator
How To Hatch Chicks In An Incubator- Everything you need to know about hatching chicks! from
Chicken Toys 101: Ingenious Ideas You Shouldn't Miss
10 Toys for Your Backyard Chickens Chickens love to get busy. They enjoy running around, scratching and pecking at things all the time. Now when they can't find anything that encourages those activities, they get bored. And when they do, it leads to unhealthy behavior which can cause serious health problems for your chooks... Have a look at these ten toys for chickens that you can easily make
6 Things You Should Know Before a Hen Lays Eggs
First time with chickens? When will they lay eggs? There are certain clues you can look for to indicate when your hens will start laying eggs. via @tasiaboland
The 10 Best Egg Laying Chickens
What are the best egg laying chickens? Which breeds should you consider when choosing your flock? Learn which…