Kitchen Garden

29 Pins
How to Harvest and Dry Herbs for Storage
There are many ways to dry herbs so that you can enjoy them all year. Learn when to harvest and how to dry herbs to preserve their essential oils for the greatest flavor intensity and medicinal properties.
Look! Terraced Herb Garden
DIY HERB can also buy benches and sit on concrete blocks to make different heights :)
Custom Chicken Coop Plans
Build a Custom Chicken Coop with FREE Printable Plans from HGTV >>
Charming Garden Sheds from Salvaged Materials
This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I can't wait for my husband to build my greenhouse with the old windows from my parents house...Old windows and wood pallets greenhouse
Success In Abundance
Posters - A Cook's Garden of Herbs Poster I own it and now it will finally have a home in my studio
3 Ways to Dry Herbs at Home
Many fresh garden herbs need to be dried to keep the active constituents potent. The way they are dried has a bearing on the potency of the herb and how long the herb will last in storage. Herbs should retain their colour and their fragrance in storage. Generally dried herbs can be stored for one to two years without loss of potency. Herbs that have lost their fragrance or have faded colour are no longer as potent, and should be replaced with fresh stock.