Figment Art and Music Therapy

139 Pins
15 Sections
Solstice Sunrise
Solstice Sunrise
New Moon In Aquarius ♒️
Sunflower dreams and sunny skies 🌻
6 Eye-Opening Japanese Concepts That Will Transform Your Life
6 Eye-Opening Japanese Concepts That Will Transform Your Life
Turtles in North Lakes, Queensland
Ambient Nature: Turtles in North Lakes
Ambient Nature: Ocean Walk
Ambient Nature: Ocean Walk
4pm in Redcliffe Botanic Gardens
Mooloolaba Ocean Waves + Bach: The Well-Tempered Clavier, (BWV 846–893)
5pm in Newport with Pelicans
Bats taking off 🦇 Redcliffe Botanic Gardens
Queensland, Australia Ocean Waves Sounds
Queensland, Australia Ocean Waves Sounds
Air plant + Sea urchin shell jellyfish
Air plant + Sea urchin shell jellyfish