Home Office

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居住空間-葉佳隴-軸向.引景 家的聚場-2015-2016新秀設計師大賽冠軍預測活動
坐落都市巷弄中,蓊鬱圍繞,屋內的關係顯現於外牆上,錯落之間,盆景與暖燈點綴,營造入口迎接之氛圍。 不刻意將區分室內分界,以軸線連貫空間機能,大面積開窗平行於機能軸,將綠意映入室內,溫潤木色由地面延伸至天花,石材沉穩色澤垂直於牆面,舉目縱觀之下,空間自成一景。 與友相約,開懷暢談;閒暇時間,放鬆休憩,將生活的風貌完全體現,私域的空間運用環境良好對流與開放隔間的手法,連貫空間但保有獨立性,增添愜意與舒適的生活品質。
Epic Vintage Home Office Design - Home Tree Atlas
Epic Vintage Home Office Tour: Exposed brick walls, floor to ceiling storage, and subway style poster art
Built-In Home Office Ideas by Paul Raff Studio
Built-In Home Office Ideas by Paul Raff Studio | Modern Interiors
The K4 House Renovation in Sydney, California | Home Design Lover
Bruce Stafford Architects have completed the contemporary renovation of a family home in Sydney, Australia.
Oops, You Found the Unfound! | abdz
The Perfect Office - InfiniteUSB, Flic Smart Button, Kodak PixPro and Office Ideas!