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"If you knew you were powerful enough to create the reality you prefer, why would you need to interfere with anyone else's process?" ~BASHAR 💙 Life In the Vortex 💙
BASHAR ~ Time is "traveling through you... you are the modulator..."
"All times... co-exist simultaneously. So, now let's fine-tune the definition. Are you really travelling when you don't really go anywhere? NO. What are you doing? You're changing your point of view. You're changing your persepctive, vibrationally. Then you can have an experience of another stream of space and/or time, or time and space. Then, in a sense, you could call that, euphemistically, time travel, but, in fact, it's actually more real to say ~it's traveling through you~ than you travelin
"Natural anger only lasts about fifteen seconds. Beyond that it is self judgement." ~BASHAR 💙 Life In the Vortex 💙