Healing Your Trauma | Inner Child Healing

Resources and tools to help you take the steps to healing past trauma. On this board you will find trauma journaling prompts, trauma worksheets + hypnosis, trauma survivor quotes, trauma release exercises and other trauma healing activities. Discover meditations and writing prompts for healing your inner child. Understand the signs and symptoms that indicate you are healing from trauma.
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How does one come to be overwhelmed in their healing journey?
Paralysis and overwhelm is something common in the healing journey. But it is also something that you can move past once you create systems and containers for yourself in order to heal. . . #healingjourney #healing #journaling #innerchildtrauma #autonomicnervoussystem #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #spirituality #astrology #tarotreading
How A Positive Mindset Can Help You Heal
Mindfulness and meditation and improve your mental health. This meditation for beginners will help you identify your emotions surrounding stress and frustration.
How To Heal From Childhood Emotional Neglect
This is the most common problem I see with my clients. Childhood Emotional Neglect. Find out what this phenomenon is, how it impacts us, and what you can do to heal. #traumatherapy, #childhoodemotionalneglect #EMDRtherapy
How A Positive Mindset Can Help You Heal
Mindfulness and meditation and improve your mental health. This meditation for beginners will help you identify your emotions surrounding stress and frustration.
Knowing the Difference Between Clean and Dirty Pain Can Change Your Life – Dethroning Your Inner Cri
We are talking about ending unnecessary suffering in your life by knowing the difference between clean and dirty pain. She dives deeper into how people are not even aware that they are creating their own pain and how pain is inevitable but suffering is optional when it comes to living your life. #InnerCritic #DethroningYourInnerCritic
Healing your inner child to stop sabotaging your relationships
Healing our wounds will positively reflect in our relationships being that we will stop sabotaging them and actually living in the truth.
5 things you can do to make healing more easeful
In order to make healing more easeful we need to look at what is actually making it harder for us to integrate this trauma. Look at your emotions and think what makes you feel safer. #healingjourney #selfcare #selflove #overwhelmed #analysisparalysis #trauma #easeful #innerchild #innerchildhealing #journaling
How to trust again after trauma
How do you learn to trust again after trauma and abuse? Interpersonal trauma during childhood can destroy the ability to trust in others and oneself. In this video I share a few tips that helped me heal those trauma wounds so I can feel safe enough to trust again Definition of trust from Merriam-Webster dictionary: “Assured reliance on character, ability strength or truth of someone or something; One in which confidence is placed” What does trust mean to you?
Low libido in women remedies
In this episode of The Vital Goddess Podcast I go into the specific body-based tools that I use as a trauma-informed coach to help you heal low libido & reclaim your pleasure.
5 Ways to Heal the Mother Wound
Did you have a great mother growing up or was that relationship more difficult for you? We actually ALL have mother wounds to heal from. Have you addressed YOUR mother wound??
How to heal childhood attachment wounds
When you start your own healing journey of recovering from childhood attachment wounds you need to go thru 3 stages to finally feel safe to create healthy relationship with others. #complexPtsd, #mindfulness #healingtrauma,#earlytrauma,#jolandaherc,#toxicparents,#narcissisticfamily
5 surprising ways to reconnect with joy after childhood trauma -
5 surprising ways to reconnect with joy after childhood trauma #jolandaherc #reactiveattachmentdisorder #developmentaltrauma #complexptsd#insecureAttachment
How to Let Go of the Past and Move on for Good! Heal from trauma. Mental Health. Self Love. SelfCare
How to Let Go of the Past and Move on for Good! Heal from trauma. Mental Health. Self Love. Self Care. The past can’t be erased, no matter how much we may pray for it. But our views and learning How to Get Over Past Emotional Traumas is possible. Following key techniques and being open to change anything in your life is possible. Like discussed in PART I of this series YOUR understanding and compassion of your Past Emotional Traumas will determine your healing. #mentalhealth #letgo #heal #moveon
7 great ways to keep track of your healing journey
To keep track of your healing journey you need to open up to the possibility of creating systems that work for you in order to be able to heal in an easier mode. #healingjourney #viral #journalprompts #energyhealing #energyreading #astrology #feminineenergy #innerchildhealing #traumaboniding #attachemnetstyles