Narcissistic SUPPLY

Narcissistic supply is the life force energy that narcissists steal from people who are whole selves. The narcissist severed the connect to their own True Self when they were young, which has left them being purely driven by their lower Ego Self. The ego demands constant validation from the outside world to avoid its own demise. Narcissists are energy vampires. ✦ ✧ ✦ UNDERSTANDING NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY & HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM HANDING IT OVER
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Narcissists NEEDS Narcissistic Supply Like an Addict Needs Their Drug
The narcissist’s ego maintains the fantasy by seeking out narcissistic supply like a drug addict. 💉 However, if people knew that by enabling the narcissist they were allowing them to siphon out their precious ⚡️life force energy, they would never agree. Hence, like a 😈 devil in disguise, the narcissist must manipulate, coerce and trick people into doing it. For the psychological survival of the narcissist, their delusion must be continuously fed. Without constant feedback from the world around them that their False Self and fantasy reality is ‘true,’ it will quickly begin to dissolve, leaving the narcissist to fall into their own inner void. The narcissist will stop at NOTHING to prevent that from happening since they are a conscienceless being.
"What's in it for me?" - Famous Narcissist Words
Narcissists are EXPLOITATIVE and PREDATORY in nature. From the moment they cut off their true authentic self, they became a ‘service to self’ being. Narcissists will only ever put energy into something that they can get even more energy out of. They’re perpetual ‘takers,’ feeding off and exploiting people who have a more ‘service to others’ nature. #unmaskingthenarc🎭
10 Types of Narcissists Explained
The GRANDIOSE narcissists, as we know them, are simply floating on the delusional cloud of their own self-importance because they are SUCCESSFULLY convincing the world of their amazingness. 👉 Think the charming womaniser, the successful CEO of a company, the rich real estate mogul, or the most (seemingly) altruistic school teacher, all getting high on the fact that they've convinced the world that their DELUSION is real. On the other hand, the FRAGILE (covert) narcissists are the ones who've FAILED at convincing the world of their awesomeness and are faced with that reality every, single day. 👉 The coverts BELIEVE that they're entitled to all of the acclaim and riches that the grandiose are receiving and are extremely disgruntled at the fact that the world isn't bowing down at their feet
Narcissists Artificially Create Validation
Imagine living like that... having to control every other person around you so that you can have a continuous stream of FAKE approval to prop yourself up. It's a complete contradiction. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Narcissist Make EVERYTHING About Themselves
One of the most obvious narcissist red flags that you're dealing with a narcissist is the way they manage to make EVERYTHING about themselves. They will interrupt others to tell their own stories, because in their world, their stories are the only ones worth hearing anyway. And if no one’s listening they’ll just talk louder and louder until everyone has no choice but to stop talking and focus on them. It can be cringeworthy to watch and nope, the narcissist couldn’t care less about how self-involved they are, as long as they get what they want. At the crux of it all is their incessant need for attention and admiration. When the focus is on someone else, they cannot handle it and must somehow shift the focus back to themselves in order to receive the validation they so desperately c
The Narcissist's (False) Displays of Public Affection
Narcissists can be very good at showing their partners displays of 'love' and 'affection' in public well beyond the initial love bombing phase. This serves them threefold... 1️⃣ To prop up their false public image of being a perfect & successful partner. 2️⃣ To keep their partner on the hook & create confusion about the narcissist's abusive behaviour behind closed doors. 3️⃣ To make it less believable if their partner tells anyone about the truth of who they are.
Narcissist Ride Off the Coattails of Others
If you look closely, most successful narcissists will have a partner behind the scenes who's coming up with the ideas, financially supporting them, feeding them energy & adoration or even providing the very success that the narcissist is claiming as their own.
The Narcissist's False Self
Due to the very nature of NPD, they are unable and unwilling to change. The ego has created an entirely fabricated reality whereby they have no flaws and are the centre of the universe. The ego will fight to the death to stay real and relevant, which means the narcissist will stop at nothing to perpetuate that reality. They must, as it’s a matter of psychological survival.
Secondary Narcissistic Supply
Secondary narcissistic supply comes from the image that the narcissist projects out into the world. This form of supply is all about APPEARANCES. 👑 Positive appearances = narcissistic supply. With secondary narcissistic supply, the narc will only gain supply from positive appearances. They need to create the illusion of being successful, attractive, wealthy, talented and sought-after. On the flip side, being seen as UNsuccessful, UNattractive, NOT wealthy etc. will not serve the narcissist’s ego and therefore will not feed their emotional black hole. Secondary narcissistic supply usually comes from those who are not as close to the narcissist (acquaintances, co-workers and extended family members). Think cringy, ego-filled social media posts. 🤳
Primary Narcissistic Supply
Primary narcissistic supply is all about ATTENTION. It doesn’t matter to the narcissist if the attention they gain is ➕positive or ➖negative when it comes to primary narcissistic supply. 👑 Any attention = narcissistic supply Attention can come in the form of validation, flattery, chaos, gossip, drama, arguments and so on. Primary narcissistic supply usually comes from those who are the closest to the narcissist (partners, kids, best friends etc.)
Narcissists Are Energetic Drug Addicts
Narcissistic supply is any attention, which serves to consistently validate the ego’s false narrative, that they are a God. EXAMPLES OF NARCISSISTIC SUPPLY: 👑 Being admired 👑 Compliments and flattery 👑 Fame and infamy 👑 Being in absolute control of everything and everyone 👑 Sex 👑 Playing the victim (gaining attention) 👑 Appearing successful (financially, physically and/ or materially). Much like any drug addict, the narcissist will do anything necessary to secure and maintain their supply.
Is the Narcissist's New Supply a Downgrade?
You may be watching the narcissist move on with their new supply from the sideline and think, "They're a total downgrade, what the hell?!" Although the idea of a 'downgrade' is completely subjective, I can understand the feeling. It leaves you wondering what was wrong with you for them to pick up so fast with someone else who doesn't even seem to have much to offer. But you can be sure of one thing - there must be something in it for the narcissist, or they wouldn't be bothering. And really, it doesn't even matter what the narcissist's game with the new person is, just enjoy the fact that you are now rid of them and focus on your own healing and self-care instead.
Why the Narcissist's New Supply is a Good Thing
I know how devastating it is to watch the narcissist move on at ⚡️lightning speed with a new supply. Whether you were the one to leave them, or they discarded you - the pain and resulting trauma is much the same. The fact that they move on so quickly, with nothing but a smug, superior smirk back towards you, is the evidence you need so that you can finally accept the truth of who they are... A cruel user who never truly cared for you. It's the moment you have to finally be honest with yourself and let the illusion of who you wanted them to be, fall away. But now, with their focus firmly on a new, shiny object, you are now free to fall apart, heal then rise stronger than ever before. 🥀❤️
Narcissists Hold NO Power; We Do.
Once we realise that the exact opposite of who the narcissist showed us is the truth, we realise that we had the power all along! So simple, yet so profound! #unmaskingthenarc🎭
How Do Narcissists Treat Old Supply?
Narcissists need supply like a drug addict needs a fix, it’s their lifeblood🩸. They need copious amounts of external attention to confirm that they truly exist and that they are as special as they believe themselves to be. To a narcissist, a person isn’t a living, breathing entity, worthy of their own needs and desires. No, to a narcissist, other people are either providers of supply or they’re nothing. There is no in-between. When looking at how narcissists treat old supply, it will always boil down to one thing – their current availability of supply. #unmaskingthenarc🎭