Girth measurement

8 Pins
Gym Guider - Learn How to Create Your Ideal Body By Zoe & Juraj Krajcik
What is your biggest pet peeve at the gym? These are a few basic things to consider when you’re at the gym. Sometimes they aren’t super obvious to everyone so remember to be patient and understanding. Make sure you find out what the rules are at your gym and follow them. Very simple. There are many other unwritten rules at the gym and even sub categories (ie: when and how to give a spot) This stuff is part of the learning experience. Remember that treating people with respect is
German Volume Training Method With 6 Weeks Training Program -
German Volume Training or simply known as GVT in most weight training circles is a training system that has been used by powerlifters, bodybuilders and Olympic lifters to reach new training goals, pack on muscle, break plateaus, or simply challenge themselves to see if they can do it.Regardless of the goal that the lifter has in mind, GVT has been and continues to be proven successful even today. Anyone that wants to be successful, needs to be aware and learn of this training technique.
5 Chia Seed Pudding Recipes to Make Overnight | Girlfriend is Better
Health benefits of chia seeds | Chia seed pudding recipes | Girlfriend is Better
🚨 “It doesn’t matter how you start its how you finish” 🚨 Women you are the back bone the foundation of this world your health is IMPORTANT! A strong and healthy woman = A Strong and Healthy Life👸🏾 #blackqueens #BlackMagic #WCW (WeightCutWednesday)
V Shred
V Shred is the fastest growing fitness, nutrition and supplement brand in the world and much much more.