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The Schaffer House, designed by Commune, architecture by John Lautner in 1949, Glendale, Los Angeles, California, 2014
miracle pine single tree that survived 2011 tsunami turned into monument
miracle pine - single tree that survived 2011 tsunami turned into monument. (every tree should be )
12 Astounding Photos Of Nature. You may be Impressed And Confused At The Same Time -
12 Astounding Photos Of Nature. You may be Impressed And Confused At The Same Time -
These Are the Oldest Trees on the Planet
The Oldest Trees on the Planet This giant cypress lives in Abarkooh, Iran. The evergreen took root between 4,000 and 4,500 years ago, around the time that Stonehenge was being completed. It may be the oldest living thing in Asia, and is a national monument in Iran. The Zorastrian Sarv stands about 82 feet high and has a girth of 37.8 feet.