Healthy Living

Healthy living tips and ideas, healthy living motivation, healthy living for beginners, healthy living lifestyle changes, healthy living style, healthy living hacks, healthy living inspiration, healthy habits.
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How to Ditch the Diet Mindset
Before you decide to go on another diet, watch this video! Learn how to let go of the diet mentality. So many of us are so out of touch with our body and so used to listening to external voices, we don’t even know how to listen to our own bodies. I suggest you challenge yourself to the three small challenges I propose at the end of this video. Ditch the Diet Mentality | Diet Myths | Healthy Living | Healthy Diet
Become a Health Coach today | The Institute for Integrative Nutrition Review
Have you thought about becoming a health coach? Keep reading and head to my website to learn about the IIN. In 2015 I studied at The Institute For Integrative Nutrition, also known as IIN. IIN is more than a school, it’s creating a wellness revolution around the world! Studying to become a Holistic Health Coach changed my life by enabling me to help others improve their physical and mental health, and also improved my own health drastically. | Become a Health Coach | Holistic Health Coach
IIN Health Coaching Program | A Review of the IIN
Have you thought about becoming a health coach? Keep reading and head to my website to learn about the IIN. In 2015 I studied at The Institute For Integrative Nutrition, also known as IIN. IIN is more than a school, it’s creating a wellness revolution around the world! Studying to become a Holistic Health Coach changed my life by enabling me to help others improve their physical and mental health, and also improved my own health drastically. | Become a Health Coach | Holistic Health Coach
Emotional Eating Journal Guide | Journalling Tips | Free Ebook
Our free guide will help you with the first steps to healing your relationship to food. Journalling just happens to be a fantastic way to do some of some exploration. Use the free 14-day journaling guide to begin healing your relationship with food and your body. Essentially, this is a sneak peak into some of the questions my clients work through in our one-on-one coaching sessions. Curious? | Wellness Journal | Emotional Eating | Healthy Living | #emotionaleatingjournal #wellnessjournal
Why Women's Wellness and Entrepreneurship Make a Difference
How women's health and entrepreneurship both make a difference in empowering women, families, and communities for generations.
What is a Health Coach | My Review of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Have you thought about becoming a health coach? Keep reading and head to my website to learn about the IIN. In 2015 I studied at The Institute For Integrative Nutrition, also known as IIN. IIN is more than a school, it’s creating a wellness revolution around the world! Studying to become a Holistic Health Coach changed my life by enabling me to help others improve their physical and mental health, and also improved my own health drastically. | Become a Health Coach | Holistic Health Coach
Healthy Travel Tips | Wholesome Stef
Before travel I plan and prepare myself in order to stay healthy and active as much as possible. There's no need to obsess about but it's also ok to plan ahead for healthy travel even if you waver away from usual eating habits and workout schedule. Moderation and balance has become my travel motto. In the blog I share a couple of tips on how to stay healthy while traveling.
Healthy Living Resources from Wholesome Stef
When I first started this healthy lifestyle, a new world opened up in front of me. I started educating myself by reading books, watching documentaries, listening to podcasts and absorbing every inspiration I could find. The resources listed are favourites of mine and will provide further information for healthy living, how you take care of yourself and how you live your life. #wellnessresources
A Word On Organic and Non-Organic Produce
I know how confusing it can be to navigate the conflicting and constantly changing health philosophies that are out there. Organic vs. Non-Organic Food ideas are also very popular. One thing I do know is that organic is better than non-organic food. Head to the blog to learn why you should choose organic, when to choose organic and more. Organic Foods | Healthy Living | Healthy Foods | What to Eat Tips
Vegan Banana Blueberry Pancakes Recipe | Breakfast Food Idea
These banana blueberry pancakes are vegan and gluten free. Nutritionally speaking they are a bit on the indulgent side, but who doesn't love a good weekend treat. Make sure the bananas are really ripe to get the best flavour. If they are covered in brown spots, they are good to go. Banana Pancakes | Vegan Recipe | Healthy Eating Ideas #veganpancakes #blueberrypancakes
Vegan Banana Blueberry Pancakes
These banana blueberry pancakes are vegan and gluten free. Nutritionally speaking they are a bit on the indulgent side, but who doesn't love a good weekend treat. Make sure the bananas are really ripe to get the best flavour. If they are covered in brown spots, they are good to go. Banana Pancakes | Vegan Recipe | Healthy Eating Ideas #veganpancakes #blueberrypancakes
Breakfast Idea | Banana Blueberry Pancakes
These banana blueberry pancakes are vegan and gluten free. Nutritionally speaking they are a bit on the indulgent side, but who doesn't love a good weekend treat. Make sure the bananas are really ripe to get the best flavour. If they are covered in brown spots, they are good to go. Banana Pancakes | Vegan Recipe | Healthy Eating Ideas #veganpancakes #blueberrypancakes
Easy Vegan Recipe | Banana Blueberry Pancakes
These banana blueberry pancakes are vegan and gluten free. Nutritionally speaking they are a bit on the indulgent side, but who doesn't love a good weekend treat. Make sure the bananas are really ripe to get the best flavour. If they are covered in brown spots, they are good to go. Banana Pancakes | Vegan Recipe | Healthy Eating Ideas #veganpancakes #blueberrypancakes
Healthy Recipe | Vegan Banana Blueberry Pancakes
These banana blueberry pancakes are vegan and gluten free. Nutritionally speaking they are a bit on the indulgent side, but who doesn't love a good weekend treat. Make sure the bananas are really ripe to get the best flavour. If they are covered in brown spots, they are good to go. Banana Pancakes | Vegan Recipe | Healthy Eating Ideas #veganpancakes #blueberrypancakes
Ways to practice self-love using your love language
Learning about the five ways we like to receive and give love from the book ‘The 5 love languages’ by Gary Chapman many years ago helped me and us develop a better understand of ourselves and each other - it’s a book I highly recommend 👌🏼 And whilst it’s a great tool for any partnership, the concepts can also be applied to how you prefer to show love for yourself. Comment YOUR preferred love language below 💓 // rg @clairerose