Ariadne Unraveled: A Mythic Retelling

A new novel about the love story between Ariadne and Dionysus.
134 Pins
4 Sections
Piastrella fatta e dipinta a mano. Dioniso e Arianna, mitici amanti. Copia da ceramica dell' antica Grecia. - Etsy Italia
Dion#ysus and #Ariadne mythical lovers. Ancient Greek pottery replica Museum of…
A Phoenician or Carthaginian Glass Pendant in the Form of a Bearded Male Head - Click on the image to visit the website for the Historyteller podcast!
Birth of Charles Darrow – Historical articles and illustrations
Ancient Crete, playing board games
Chapter 3 (1)
Minoan dress: Minoan women wore bell-shaped skirts that had decorations attached to the cloth in ruffles. Women also wore close-fitting blouses that were cut low in the front to expose the breasts. A tiny waist was prized, so they wore tight belts made of metal, which held their waists in.
Minoans in color 2 by Dedasaur on DeviantArt
Minoans in color 2 by Dedasaur on DeviantArt
Woman Sculpture
Minoan Female Sculpture