Life quotes

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Morning BAbes! To keep on the topic of finding your tribe, we also want to talk about losing friends. It happens. It is perfectly normal and okay to grow apart from people, especially the toxic ones! If there is one thing we have learned, it's that you don't have to stay friends with someone just because you've been friends for a long time. Surround yourself with people who make you better and be a good friend in return. Check out the blog to read more about building strong friendships.
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Today, I came to a realization. People don't stay the same. They grow up. They grow apart. You wonder if they ever think about you and miss you as much as you miss them. If there is still a place in their heart for you and is that place growing smaller as by sharjadoremonamour, via Flickr
Daily Worth- Habits Of High Net-Worth Women
Stronger, smarter, happier, and wiser :)
I want someone to truly look at me and say this. To want all the fire and love I have to offer.
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ORACLEKAILO.COM - Private Psychic Assistant for Introverted Alpha Females & Power Couples who are ready to unlock their Authentic Power and leverage their life choices to fulfill and enhance their Signature Soul Legacy™ in career, love, & lifestyle. | ALPHA FEMALE Quotes
37 Of The Most Inspirational Quotes That Everyone Needs To Read. They Will Leave Your Speechless
You can be your own worst enemy or your best friend.
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You Need To Stop Waiting For Someone To Come And Save You. You Need To Stop Relying On People For Your Happiness, Because Let's Face It, People Fucking Leave And You're Left With Nothing. Why Don't You Stand The Fuck Up And Save Yourself? Be Your Own Damn Hero. Be Your Own Reason To Smile!